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Normal Or New Normal – Video Presence Is Here To Stay

December 20, 20183 min read

As organizations shift to remote working to protect their employees and clients from the fast-spreading coronavirus, video presence is taking over executive presence. Video presence means the same – influence and inspire others into a decision and exude confidence but with a difference that it involves building an executive presence through videos or say virtually.

Since this pandemic has made the leaders imagine the unthinkable, there is a whole new possibility that a significant share of future interactions would include video conferences or web-based meetings even when things return to normal or the new normal as people call it.

Thus, you better prepare for it because leaders and seniors need communication and executive presence to respond to the pandemic effectively and keep business afloat and grow more fiercely than ever. And video presence coaching and training can help you tread this path.

The Market Analysis Report of Grandview Research shared, “the global video conferencing market size was valued at USD 3.85 billion in 2019” and also predicted that “the value will grow at a rate of 9.9 percent from 2020 to 2027”.

Beyond a Predefined Response Plan

These days, the majority of businesses are wondering what does a leader need to do during a crisis like COVID-19?

While most people will say a predefined response plan as an answer to this question, leaders need something more intuitive, powerful, and dynamic to navigate through difficult times.

According to McKinsey & Company what leaders need is to develop “behaviors and mindsets that will prevent them from overreacting to yesterday’s developments and help them look ahead”

Video is Giving Voice Thought-Leadership

Leaders across the globe are using the power of video conferences, virtual meetings, and video marketing to build their virtual presence. They are keeping their audience, clients, customers, users, and everyone who follow them to stay connected and be authentic throughout this emotional disruption.

Such people are always several steps ahead and this is what makes them world leaders. They identify the potential of new technologies, new possibilities, and requirements to adapt to the current as well as possible future situations. These leaders are those who tend to imagine the unthinkable.

Video Presence to Sustain the Culture of A Remote Agile Team 

Ask yourself, are agile teams performing that well in a remote setting as they did in a traditional setting? Agile teams were doing excellently when the team members existed within the same location under one roof but crises like COVID-19 pandemic have forced teams to work geographically apart.

This leads to break in communication and interaction and failure in perceiving the influence of leaders and other seniors. Though agile teams are known to quickly adapt to the fast-changing business landscape, innovative technologies, and digitization, the abrupt shift to remote working is resulting in reduced cohesion and increased inefficiency.

Therefore, leaders need to build a stronger video presence to maintain transparency, guide their people more effectively, communicate more clearly, sustain positive work culture, and be able to influence people and their decision-making process in a virtual, remote setting.

From now on, this is the real work that leaders are entitled to continue on the path of achieving success and building a brighter future for themselves and their organization.

Lastly, just remember:

“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” John Maxwell

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Rohit Bassi

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