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Get W.E.D. to the Eight-Fold Path - How To Apply It In The Workplace?

February 24, 20233 min read

By getting W.E.D. to the Eight Fold Path leaders, teams and change-makers become more mindful, inspirational, and skillful in their communication. This leads to higher productive and harmonious interactions with others and ultimately brings about greater well-being and understanding in relationships and society as a whole.

W.E.D: means Wisdom, Ethics, and Discipline which consists of eight interconnected practices that, when followed together, can help one become outstanding with their communication.

The Eightfold Path can be applied in the following ways:


1. Wise View: This aspect emphasizes the importance of understanding the context and purpose of communication in a business setting. This can be applied by taking the time to understand the needs and perspectives of stakeholders and tailoring communication accordingly.

2. Wise Intention: This aspect encourages having good intentions in communication, such as being honest and transparent, and avoiding deception or manipulation.


3. Wise Speech: This aspect stresses the importance of choosing words carefully and being mindful of the impact they may have on others. In a business setting, this could involve being mindful of how language is used in presentations, meetings, and other forms of communication.

4. Wise Action: This aspect encourages taking actions that are aligned with ethical principles and that benefit others. In a business setting, this could involve taking actions that are in the best interest of the company and its stakeholders.

5. Wise Livelihood: This aspect emphasizes the importance of earning a living in a way that is morally and ethically upright. In a business setting, this could involve making sure that the company's operations are in line with these principles.


6. Wise Effort: This aspect encourages putting forth the effort to improve communication skills and to be mindful of the impact of communication on others.

7. Wise Mindfulness: This aspect emphasizes the importance of being present and aware in communication, and being aware of the impact of communication on oneself and others.

8. Wise Concentration: This aspect encourages focusing the mind and maintaining composure during communication, especially in difficult or stressful situations.

Getting W.E.D. to the Eightfold Path serves as a great guide for mindful, nourishing and wholesome communication. Walking the path on a daily basis would mean the following:

  1. Lead by example - It is important to model the behaviour you wish to see in your team members. This means communicating clearly, listening actively, and demonstrating empathy and respect.

  2. Set clear expectations - Clear expectations are essential for effective communication. Communicate your goals, priorities, and expectations clearly and concisely, and ensure that your team members understand what is expected out of each other.

  3. Foster open communication - Open communication is the foundation of a positive workplace environment. By creating an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas, you can foster a culture of creativity, innovation, and collaboration.

  4. Practice deep listening - This is an essential component of effective communication. Listening to your team members, understanding their perspectives, and responding in a way that demonstrates your commitment to their success.

  5. Provide feedback - Feedback is essential for growth and development. Provide your team members with constructive feedback, both positive and negative, that helps them understand their strengths and weaknesses, and provides guidance for improvement.

  6. Encourage collaboration - Collaboration is essential for achieving common goals. Encourage your team members to work together, share their ideas, and support each other in achieving their objectives.

  7. Address conflicts - Conflicts are a natural part of any workplace environment. Address conflicts in a timely and respectful manner and work with your team members to find solutions that benefit everyone involved.

  8. Celebrate success - Celebrating success is an important part of building a positive workplace environment. By recognizing the achievements of your team members, you can create a culture of positivity and motivation, and encourage continued success in the future.

In conclusion, nourishing communication is essential for success in the workplace (and life). By following the above, you can develop your communication skills, build a cohesive and motivated team, and achieve your business goals.

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